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Candy Cotton


A 3-Month Mentorship Program for Conscious Dance Facilitators, Healers, Spiritual Guides, Coaches, & Spiritual Entrepreneurs 

So you have graduated from a training program of your desired offering.


Or you have been trying to get your unique offering out there for awhile.


Now what?


Are you feeling lost or confused on what to do next to build your  business?


Want support to get your business off the ground?

or take it to the next level?


Anytime I’ve done really well in some area of my life it’s because I’ve been part of a support group. As entrepreneurs or solopreneurs we need support and collaboration, and not just be in our own echo chamber. 


There is more creative inspiration, ideas, and problem solving that form in a group setting,

than when you are working on your business on your own.



EMPOWER is a space in which you can receive the support and collaboration you need to launch your offering or take it to the next level!


Hope will offering mentorship and coaching that will support your personal, professional, and business development - as she knows it takes a holistic approach to succeed!

In this program you will:


  • learn both very practical AND energetic / magical tools to take your business to the next level

  • explore practices that help you build your business from an intuitive feminine heart-centred place so it feels good!

  • have your biggest questions answered around facilitating, holding space, and running your business

  • receive the emotional support you need, you may experience emotional highs and lows as an entrepreneur

  • have the opportunity to mastermind with other like minded individuals around your biggest business challenges

  • learn tools and practices to keep your vibes high and become magnetic to your soul clients


Dates: Tuesdays, March 5 - May 28, 2024


Time: 10:00 - 11:30am MT (Edmonton, Alberta time)


Where: Online via Zoom (if you can't make it live, replays will be available)


You'll receive:


  • Twelve 90-min lesson+group coaching+mastermind sessions

  • an online group chat for support between sessions (either on messenger or what's app)

  • a private online community forum which will host the video replays from each session, hand outs, and other resources

  • video replays for each session will be available for 1 year after the program closes



I am keeping this group small so that each person can receive ample attention and support.




3 monthly payments
1 payment



Hope Corbin has been guiding transformational healing dance ceremonies and journeys for the last 25 years.


She was one of the first certified Kundalini Dance™ facilitators in North America, and went on to assist Leyolah Antara in her trainings for several years.


She has sustained herself through offering Kundalini Dance classes and workshops, Bellyfit™ classes, and her own Conscious Dance modalities, and has owned her own business since 2004.


In 2012, she created what is now called the Dance as Medicine Facilitator Training, and has been training Conscious Dance facilitators ever since.


She is now excited to share her almost 20 years of business experience with you!

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